Eco-friendly Solutions​

Explore alternatives for a healthy planet

Here you’ll find updates on sustainable and renewable energy sources, best clean-air practices, green technologies, and much more.

Green Living on a budget​

Eco-friendly can be inexpensive with simple methods to reduce your carbon footprint. We are committed to finding the most efficient solutions that anyone can implement easily.


A natural process that recycles organic matter such as leaves and food waste into valuable fertilizers that enrich the soil and plants.


Methods of collecting, processing, and transforming items that would otherwise be thrown away as waste into new products. Recycling benefits communities and the environment.


Energy derived from natural sources that are replenished at a higher rate than they are consumed, such as sunlight, wind, the movement of water, and geothermal heat.

Zero Waste

The conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse, and recovery of products, packaging and materials without incineration or discharge to land, water or air that endangers the environment or human health.

Home Gardens

Growing crops such as fruits and vegetables, raising chickens and fish in front and backyards, balconies, sunrooms, indoor greenhouses, roofs or patios.

Clean tech​​

Prevent environmental damage at the source by using materials, processes, or practices that eliminate or minimize the generation of contaminants or waste.

Best Practices

There are many ways the average person can contribute to a healthier planet. Some things include reducing energy consumption, recycling, composting, driving less, and eating organic foods.

“Quality information for a better ecology!”​

Together we can improve our shared environment and be productive at the same time. I feel great optimism for our clean and abundant future we are building. This information provides a clear and concise resource to help make it easier to become the good stewards of Earth we are meant to be!

Dennis Maguire


Would you like our free Green Living Guide?​

This guide reveals a number of paths you can choose to live a cleaner, stronger and healthier life; while improving our planet at the same time!